Check out this simple practice using incense or essential oils that helps to balance the 7 chakras along the spine.
Before getting started, I always suggest setting up a sacred space ~ even if just a mini altar ~ and then light a candle and or your incense. (Learn how to set up an altar in 5 easy steps here.) Breathe deeply into the chakra you are working with ~ or you may choose to do a 7 chakra healing. If working with all 7, it is great to burn cedar incense to keep grounded during your practice.
If using oils, put a drop in your palms and rub them together. Smell the oil,then place your hands on each chakra, breathing down into the chakra, silently repeating the bija mantra for as long as resonates with you.
If using incense, light the tip and bring your hands on each chakra, breathing down into the chakra, silently repeating the bija mantra for as along as resonates with you. Check out the images below to see which oils to use for each of the 7 chakras along the spine.
Learn more about using bija mantras to heal the chakras here.
To see which essential oils and incense help each chakra, scroll through the slideshow below...